half_window effects

This example shows the influence of the half_window parameter that is used when fitting any morphological algorithm.

For this example, the mor() algorithm will be used, which is a relatively robust baseline algorithm.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pybaselines import Baseline
from pybaselines.utils import gaussian

x = np.linspace(0, 1000, 2000)
signal = (
    gaussian(x, 9, 100, 12)
    + gaussian(x, 6, 180, 5)
    + gaussian(x, 8, 300, 11)
    + gaussian(x, 15, 400, 12)
    + gaussian(x, 6, 550, 6)
    + gaussian(x, 13, 700, 8)
    + gaussian(x, 9, 800, 9)
    + gaussian(x, 9, 880, 7)
baseline = 5 + gaussian(x, 10, 650, 150)
noise = np.random.default_rng(0).normal(0, 0.1, len(x))
y = signal + baseline + noise

baseline_fitter = Baseline(x_data=x)

For many morphology-based baseline algorithms, the optimal half_window value is approximately equal to the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the widest peak. We can calculate the FWHM of our synthetic data from the largest \(\sigma\) value. The FWHM of a Gaussian distribution is related to its \(\sigma\) value by the relationship: \(FWHM = 2 \sigma \sqrt{2 ln{2}} \approx 2.3548 \sigma\).

The spacing of the x-values, \(dx\) also has to be taken into account since the half_window value is index-based, while \(\sigma\) is based on the x-values. Thus, the approximate FWHM is: \(FWHM \approx 2.3548 \sigma / dx\). Also note that half_window has to be an integer since it is index-based.

dx = np.diff(x).mean()  # set dx as the average of all the x-spacings
print(int(2.3548 * 12 / dx))

Thus, a good half_window value is ~60. To investigate the effect of the half_window value, we will use 30, 60, and 120.

Note that the actual \(\sigma\) value for a peak is often unknown, so the FWHM value is usually estimated simply by looking at a plot of the data (using plt.plot(y)).

Using a small half_window value makes the baseline cut into the larger peaks.

plt.plot(y, label='data')
half_window = 30
plt.plot(baseline_fitter.mor(y, half_window=half_window)[0], label=f'half_window={half_window}')
plot half window effects

Setting the half_window value as the approximate FWHM now fits the expected baseline without reducing the peak area.

plt.plot(y, label='data')
half_window = 60
plt.plot(baseline_fitter.mor(y, half_window=half_window)[0], label=f'half_window={half_window}')
plot half window effects

Further increasing the half_window value then makes the baseline unable to follow the curve of the data.

plt.plot(y, label='data')
half_window = 120
plt.plot(baseline_fitter.mor(y, half_window=half_window)[0], label=f'half_window={half_window}')
plot half window effects

Now, put together all the results to show the change in the baseline as half_window increases. Note how the half_window value can be considered as the approximate "stiffness" of the baseline. For small half_window values, the baseline has more flexibility to fit inbetween the peaks, while the largest half_window value is too stiff to account for the localized curvature of the baseline.

plt.plot(y, label='data')
for half_window in (30, 60, 120):
    plt.plot(baseline_fitter.mor(y, half_window=half_window)[0], label=f'half_window={half_window}')
plot half window effects

Finally, note that the effect of the larger half_window value is decreased if the baseline is relatively flat, so there is less of a penalty for using a larger half_window value on flat baselines.

flat_baseline = 5 + gaussian(x, 10, 650, 400)
y = y - baseline + flat_baseline  # replace the old baseline with the flat baseline
plt.plot(y, label='data')
for half_window in (30, 60, 120):
    plt.plot(baseline_fitter.mor(y, half_window=half_window)[0], label=f'half_window={half_window}')

plot half window effects

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.670 seconds)

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