P-spline versions of Whittaker functions

pybaselines contains penalized spline (P-spline) versions of all of the Whittaker-smoothing-based algorithms implemented in pybaselines. The reason for doing so was that P-splines offer additional user flexibility when choosing parameters for fitting and more easily work for unequally spaced data. This example will examine the relationship of lam versus the number of data points when fitting a baseline with the arpls() function and its P-spline version, pspline_arpls().

Note that the exact optimal lam values reported in this example are not of significant use since they depend on many other factors such as the baseline curvature, noise, peaks, etc.; however, the examined trends can be used to simplify the process of selecting lam values for fitting new datasets.

from itertools import cycle

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pybaselines import Baseline

# local import with setup code
from example_helpers import make_data, optimize_lam

The baseline for this example is an exponentially decaying baseline, shown below. Other baseline types could be examined, similar to the Whittaker lam vs data size example, which should give similar results.

plt.plot(make_data(1000, bkg_type='exponential')[0])
plot pspline whittaker

For each function, the optimal lam value will be calculated for data sizes ranging from 500 to 20000 points. Further, the intercept and slope of the linear fit of the log of the data size, N, and the log of the lam value will be reported. The number of knots for the P-spline version is fixed at the default, 100 (the effect of the number of knots versus optimal lam is shown in another example).

print('Function, intercept & slope of log(N) vs log(lam) fit')
print('-' * 60)

show_plots = False  # for debugging
num_points = np.logspace(np.log10(500), np.log10(20000), 6, dtype=int)
symbols = cycle(['o', 's'])
_, ax = plt.subplots()
legend = [[], []]
for i, func_name in enumerate(('arpls', 'pspline_arpls')):
    best_lams = np.empty_like(num_points, float)
    min_lam = None
    for j, num_x in enumerate(num_points):
        func = getattr(Baseline(), func_name)
        y, baseline = make_data(num_x, bkg_type='exponential')
        # use a slightly lower tolerance to speed up the calculation
        min_lam = optimize_lam(y, baseline, func, min_lam, tol=1e-2, max_iter=50)
        best_lams[j] = min_lam

        if show_plots:
            if i == 0:
            plt.plot(func(y, lam=10**min_lam)[0], '--')

    fit = np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit(np.log10(num_points), best_lams, 1)
    coeffs = fit.convert().coef
    print(f'{func_name:<16} {coeffs}')
    line = 10**fit(np.log10(num_points))

    handle_1 = ax.plot(num_points, line, label=func_name)[0]
    handle_2 = ax.plot(num_points, 10**best_lams, next(symbols))[0]
    legend[0].append((handle_1, handle_2))

ax.set_xlabel('Input Array Size, N')
ax.set_ylabel('Optimal lam Value')

plot pspline whittaker
Function, intercept & slope of log(N) vs log(lam) fit
arpls            [-7.39857346  4.17128073]
pspline_arpls    [-1.18699822  1.09635347]

The results shown above demonstrate that the slope of the lam vs data size best fit line is much smaller for the P-spline based version of arpls. This means that once the number of knots is fixed for a particular baseline, the required lam value should be much less affected by a change in the number of data points (assuming the curvature of the data does not change).

The above results are particularly useful when processing very large datasets. A lam value greater than ~1e14 typically causes numerical issues that can cause the solver to fail. Most Whittaker-smoothing-based algorithms reach that lam cutoff when the number of points is around ~20,000-500,000 (depends on the exact algorithm). Since the P-spline versions do not experience such a large increase in the required lam, they are more suited to fit those larger datasets. Additionally, the required lam value for the P-spline versions can be lowered simply by reducing the number of knots.

It should be addressed that a similar result could be obtained using the regular Whittaker-smoothing-based version by truncating the number of points to a fixed value. That, however, would require additional processing steps to smooth out the resulting baseline after interpolating back to the original data size. Thus, the P-spline versions require less user-intervention to achieve the same result.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.509 seconds)

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