Algorithm convergence

Most iterative baselines in pybaselines that allow specifying the maximum number of iterations (max_iter) and minimum tolerance (tol) will output a tol_history item in the parameter dictionary, which is a numpy array of the measured tolerance value at each iteration. The tol_history parameter can be helpful for determining appropriate max_iter or tol values.

In this example, the convergence of the asls() and aspls() functions will be compared. asls is a relatively simple calculation that sets its weighting each iteration based on whether the current baseline is above or below the input data at each point. aspls has a much more intricate weighting based on the logistic distribution of the residuals (data minus baseline); further, aspls also updates an additional parameter each iteration that controls the local stiffness of the baseline.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pybaselines import Baseline
from pybaselines.utils import gaussian

x = np.linspace(0, 1000, 1000)
signal = (
    gaussian(x, 9, 100, 12)
    + gaussian(x, 6, 180, 5)
    + gaussian(x, 8, 350, 11)
    + gaussian(x, 15, 400, 18)
    + gaussian(x, 6, 550, 6)
    + gaussian(x, 13, 700, 8)
    + gaussian(x, 9, 800, 9)
    + gaussian(x, 9, 880, 7)
baseline = 5 + 10 * np.exp(-x / 600)

noise = np.random.default_rng(0).normal(0, 0.1, len(x))
y = signal + baseline + noise

baseline_fitter = Baseline(x_data=x)

lam = 5e6
tol = 1e-3
max_iter = 20
fit_1, params_1 = baseline_fitter.asls(y, lam=lam, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)
fit_2, params_2 = baseline_fitter.aspls(y, lam=lam, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)

plt.plot(fit_1, label='asls')
plt.plot(fit_2, label='aspls')
plot algorithm convergence

Plotting the tol_history parameters for the two algorithms shows their differences. The asls algorithm converges quite quickly due to its simple weighting scheme. The aspls algorithm, however, converges quite slowly and erratically due to its more complicated updating.

plt.plot(np.arange(1, len(params_1['tol_history']) + 1), params_1['tol_history'], label='asls')
    np.arange(1, len(params_2['tol_history']) + 1), params_2['tol_history'], '--', label='aspls'
plt.axhline(tol, ls=':', color='k', label='tolerance')
plt.ylabel('Tolerance Value')
plot algorithm convergence

To see whether the functions converged in a non-visual manner, the tol_history parameter can be used. If the last entry in the tol_history array is less than the indicated tolerance value, then the function converged. The length of the tol_history array is the number of iterations completed.

for function_name, params in (('asls', params_1), ('aspls', params_2)):
    tol_hist = params["tol_history"]
    print(f'{function_name}, converged: {tol_hist[-1] < tol}, {len(tol_hist)} iterations')
asls, converged: True, 6 iterations
aspls, converged: False, 21 iterations

Now, try increasing the maximum number of iterations to see whether aspls converges.

max_iter = 100
fit_3, params_3 = baseline_fitter.asls(y, lam=lam, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)
fit_4, params_4 = baseline_fitter.aspls(y, lam=lam, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)

plt.plot(fit_3, label='asls')
plt.plot(fit_4, label='aspls')


plt.plot(np.arange(1, len(params_3['tol_history']) + 1), params_3['tol_history'], label='asls')
    np.arange(1, len(params_4['tol_history']) + 1), params_4['tol_history'], '--', label='aspls'
plt.axhline(tol, ls=':', color='k', label='tolerance')
plt.ylabel('Tolerance Value')

for function_name, params in (('asls', params_3), ('aspls', params_4)):
    tol_hist = params["tol_history"]
    print(f'{function_name}, converged: {tol_hist[-1] < tol}, {len(tol_hist)} iterations')
  • plot algorithm convergence
  • plot algorithm convergence
asls, converged: True, 6 iterations
aspls, converged: True, 37 iterations

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.541 seconds)

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